Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Word Work

Word work was our last element of the Daily 5 to learn about in order to implement the structure fully in the classroom.  I am so excited. - Mrs. Kosolowski
One of the activities that you can use to practice spelling your words is clay. - Cecilia & Eric C.
A must do is using your words in 7 silly sentences. - Jessica
A must do is writing your words in rainbow words. You can use pencil crayons. - Ally
A must do is that you have to put your words in alphabetical order. - Stacy
In the classroom you can use pipe cleaner to make your words. -Kaelan
We can use the laptop to practice your letters and you can use clay cutter. - Dante
Mrs. kosolowski got a laptop and she put on a website that you can practice your words on. - Rhian
Magnetic letters. - Sam
Stamps. - Jessica & Heidi
You can make your words out of necklace beads. - Khang & Lauren
But you don't get to keep the necklace. - Rhian
Paper clips. - Sofia
There are writing strips. - Cecilia
Your spelling test is every Friday unless we have no school on Friday, then it will be on Thursday. - Mrs. Kosolowski
You get new words every week.

Room 5


  1. Word Work is really really fun!Jessica

  2. i cant wait until we start doing it again in January
