Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Problem Solving

Please ask your child about starting problem solving in the classroom! 

Mystery Creature

Is this a fun activity!  This is an activity where we write information about our creature and it is called, "mystery creature" because we can't show anybody and the information is describing what it looks like and when we are finished we share it with the class. - Lauren
We are all making a creature and we have to keep it a surprise from the class. - Eric D., Cecilia & Heidi
It is so much fun!  I can't wait till I see everyones creatures. - Maddox
We are creating creatures out of things like shapes like triangles, circles, squares, and rectangles.  You can name your creature. - Stacy
Today we went in the computer lab and wrote what we had written in our writer's notebooks and put a boarder on the page. - Jessica
Lots of creatures, lots of writing. - Mitchell
Everyone makes them individually and then we have to make descriptive paragraphs about the creature and then type it up.  When everyone is done, we will read our paragraphs while the rest of the class tries to draw it. - Sam
We are keeping it a surprise from the class. - Derek
We are doing mystery creatures and we do a descriptive piece of writing and we make a rough copy then a good copy.  When we are done we read it and the class tries to draw it.  Mine is named BUFFY, it stands for Best, Unidentified, Furry, Friend.  YAH!! - Ronelle
We made a mystery creature.  We have to keep them a surprise from everyone in the class.  First we had to draw them then colour it. - Kaelan
We edited with a partner and adult. - Ally
If families would like to see their students creation and writing, they will be put up in the hallway next week. - Mrs. Kosolowski

Students editing together!

Art: Element of Colour

We are doing the element of colour. We used the colours white, blue, and black. - Stacy
We added lots of blue to the white to make it darker. - Ethan
We are doing art.  We had to make different shades of blue for the outside and then we had to make trees and put snow on them. - Kaelan
We started with a white circle, then we added blue and keep on adding blue to the mixture.  Then we added black trees and added white snow on the black trees. - Ronelle
For art we only used 3 colours, black, blue and white.  The moon was the background, it used white and light blue to dark blue, it got darker and darker. - Katie
In art we made trees in the moonlight.  It is beautiful and amazing.  I got to make 2! - Sam
We take white and blue and we keep making the white darker. - Sofia
In art we used 3 colours to make a cool picture that is moon art.  We went from light to dark with white, blue and black.  Then we made black trees and some people made 2 and some made 1. - Ally
We are doing the element of colour like there's cool and warm colours, and there's light and dark colours, and there is all different kinds of colours, and some we like and there's some we don't like. - Cecilia
We are doing trees and a moon with only 3 colours. - Mitchell
We just used black, white and blue colours and mixed them together.  In art we used paint. - Jessica
The element of art we are learning about is colour and about blending colours.  We blended blue.  We started with light blue and made our way to black.  The art is suppose to be the moonlight.  Once finished we painted trees with snow on them. - Lauren
In art we painted trees.  We coloured them black, white, and blue.  First we did the moon then darker and darker. - Eric C.
Some days we are doing art.  The art we are learning about is colour.  We are doing the colour blue. - Dante

Daily 5

I love daily 5, my favourite is listening to reading. - Ethan
For read to someone, we will soon SKYPE. - Eric C.
We had daily 5. There is read to self, read to someone, listening to reading, writer's notebook and word work. - Heidi
On the computer we keep track of what we do for daily 5. - Heidi
Daily 5 is a fun learning activity for reading! My favourite activity is work on writing because I love writing and making stories!  My next favourite is word work because we set up our spelling test and I do activities to practice my words. - ?
Daily 5 is awesome!! - Dante
When you read to self, you pick a spot and you stay there. - Maddox
Daily 5 is were we have 5 choices.  Word work is where you have may do's and must do's.  Must do's are rainbow words, ABC order, silly sentences and a new one called word sort.  When you read to self you have to pick an IPICK book and it has to be a chapter book.  Read to someone you can read picture books. - Ronelle & Sofia
Daily 5 is where we do centres like word work and so on. - Khang
During daily 5, in writer's workshop we have been working on mystery creatures and when we are done that we are writing our 3rd penpal letter and our penpals are grade 6 students from a different school and we write to each other. - Sam
On work on writing we have to work on our mystery creature and when we do word work we use our spelling words and do the must do's and when we do read to self we pick a chapter book and read it and when we do read to someone we can us a picture book or a chapter book and listen to reading we can listen to stories on the computer, radio or voice recorder. - ?
Word work: must do's and may do's.  Read to someone: Take turns listening to reading and working on comprehension questions.  Writer's Notebook: Mystery Creature.  Listen to reading: Early years (picture books) and Middle years (chapter books and comic books) which are both on Tumblebooks. - ?
Listening to reading is listening on the computer. - Rhian
We are starting a new system to keep track of our daily 5 choices which give the students more independence and awareness for picking their choices more quickly. - Mrs. Kosolowski
Read to Self: Comprehenstion

Work on Writing: Mystery Creatures

Work on Writing!

Read to Someone


A shell structure is something with nothing inside like a fish tank. - Katie
A solid structure is something like a book. - Ally
A frame structure is something that is held together, you see the parts that give it shape like the skeleton of a human. - Frances & Katie
Humans are made of 2 structures, shell and frame. - Khang
Humans are structures, the bones are the frame and the skin is the shell. - Cecilia
A beam bridge is the simplest bridge, it is a straight platform. - Ethan
One station I went to was that I had to walk around the classroom and find frame, shell or solid structures. - Sam
A shell structure is an egg. - Ronelle
One station I went to was that I had to walk around outside the classroom and I had to find structures  made out of triangles.  Triangles are the strongest shape. - Jessica
One station I was at was the vocabulary station.  I had to match words like 1 card said beam bridge and I had to find the card that explained what a beam bridge was. - Eric D.
Arch bridge is curved. - Aden
Today I learned that the couch in the classroom is a frame and shell structure.  A shell structure is hollow and a frame structure makes the shape. - Lauren
It was fun learning about structures. - Eric C.
On a bridge, the road that the cars drive on is the deck. - Dante
There is a lot of structures in the world. - Kaelan
Bridges are awesome! - Ethan
There is an arch, suspension, truss, beam, cable, and draw bridge. - Katie
Dams are structures. - Rhain
A dome is a shell structure. - Maddox
The bottom part of the fan has triangles so it can stand and balance. - Sofia

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Being Back in School - An Update

New News!

Frances is our new classmate.  Ronelle
We are doing mystery creatures for writing.  We are not allowed to tell any one about them.  We have to write descriptive sentences about them. Sam
For mystery creatures we made criteria and one of the things is use lots of detail in the picture and words. Katie
We are going to make math game boards. Aden
We had fun making our mystery creature. Eric C
In learning buddies we are tracing our buddies and adding lots of detail. Derek
We went on a field trip to the Manitoba Museum before the Christmas break.  Ethan
We went to the computer lab and started to learn about structures. Lauren
We started math centres.  We are learning about multiplication, measuring, estimating and number patterns. Ally
We are using meters and centimeters to measure objects. Kaelan
For bridges there is a game that you have to get the trucks over the bridge and if your bridge is not good, your truck will fall into the water.  Some of the bridges names are truss bridge, arch bridge, cable bridge, beam bridge. Katie

Room 5