Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Art: Element of Colour

We are doing the element of colour. We used the colours white, blue, and black. - Stacy
We added lots of blue to the white to make it darker. - Ethan
We are doing art.  We had to make different shades of blue for the outside and then we had to make trees and put snow on them. - Kaelan
We started with a white circle, then we added blue and keep on adding blue to the mixture.  Then we added black trees and added white snow on the black trees. - Ronelle
For art we only used 3 colours, black, blue and white.  The moon was the background, it used white and light blue to dark blue, it got darker and darker. - Katie
In art we made trees in the moonlight.  It is beautiful and amazing.  I got to make 2! - Sam
We take white and blue and we keep making the white darker. - Sofia
In art we used 3 colours to make a cool picture that is moon art.  We went from light to dark with white, blue and black.  Then we made black trees and some people made 2 and some made 1. - Ally
We are doing the element of colour like there's cool and warm colours, and there's light and dark colours, and there is all different kinds of colours, and some we like and there's some we don't like. - Cecilia
We are doing trees and a moon with only 3 colours. - Mitchell
We just used black, white and blue colours and mixed them together.  In art we used paint. - Jessica
The element of art we are learning about is colour and about blending colours.  We blended blue.  We started with light blue and made our way to black.  The art is suppose to be the moonlight.  Once finished we painted trees with snow on them. - Lauren
In art we painted trees.  We coloured them black, white, and blue.  First we did the moon then darker and darker. - Eric C.
Some days we are doing art.  The art we are learning about is colour.  We are doing the colour blue. - Dante

1 comment:

  1. I like the art work. They are so nice that I want to frame them and hang them on the wall.
