Monday, 28 May 2012

Mask Painting

For mask painting we copied a plan sheet and we got working. - Stacy

While we were painting our masks we had to think of the colours we needed and how to add detail. - Sam

For mask painting we had to plan it on a sheet first then paint the whole thing.  They are going on the bulletin board in the hallway. - Cecilia

I painted my Pharaoh purple and gold.  It`s going on the bulletin board. - Kaelan

My mask had stuff from Mine Craft like diamond ore! - Ethan

4 peoples mask will go on the bulletin board at a time, and they will change every 2 days. - Mitchell

For my mask all I used was silver.  Grade 3`s did Pharaohs and 4`s did Inukshuks. - Eric D.

We just got to paint them and mine was amazing!!!  Fantastic!!!  Because it actually looked really real. - Derek

We are done our masks so we painted them and I used lots of brown. - Frances

For our mask painting we put 4 outside the door to look at and every 2 days we rotate them! - Katie

We got to paint our masks we made.  First we had to draw the little detail and then paint.  I used brown and white for the skin colour. - Heidi
It was so much fun.  We had to put a lot of detail into it. - Maddox

We did mask painting. It was fun! - Sofia

We painted our Inukshuk and Egypt mask. - Rhian

A couple of weeks ago we painted our masks!  Mine is a girl and her name is Ruby because of her lips! - Jess

We finally got to paint our masks and we added a lot of detail. - Ronelle

1 comment:

  1. That was so fun and a great experience i could do that again!
