I learned about adaptations and one of the adaptations I learned about was the black heron. The black heron puts a shadow of his wings on the surface of the water so he can find his food. – Lauren
If you touch a fire coral you sizzle up and die. A parrot fish has a special beak to cut up food or prey. – Ronelle
Certain fish live in the lakes and ponds. – DanteThe coyote eats the mouse/rat, the mouse/rat eats the grass and the coyote also eats the squirrel. – Ally
I learned that penguins eat fish and fish eat krill and krill eat plankton, plankton eats tiny plants. – Sofia
I made a sun that makes the plants grow and the sea turtle eats the plants. The barracuda eats the turtle and the shark eats the barracuda. – Khang
I got the food chain from a book. – Eric C.
My food chain is a plant and 2 animals. – Rhian
Did you know that a frog has a super long tongue so it can reach little animals. – Frances
A bison’s nose pushes snow. – Mitchell
One of the adaptations in my habitat was a duck because it’s webbed feet! – Sam
I had to look in a book to find out some of the adaptations for my bunny. We had to make a food chain in our habitat with no arrows. – Heidi
If you touch a fire coral it gives you a sizzling burn. A garibaldis bright colour tells all the other fish to stay away. – Katie
I am doing the arctic and one adaptation is a polar bear and he has 8 layers of fur to keep warm. – Jessica
A pelican has webbed feet for swimming in water. – Derek
When I was researching for the mountains I found out the giant lobelia can suck air up it’s hair to keep warm and it can grow up to 2 cm to 6 cm tall. – Cecilia
My food chain is the jaguar eats the snake, the snake eats the frog and the frog eats the fly. – Kaelan
For my food chain I put an ant, fly, frog, lizard, bird. The ant and fly get attacked by the frog and the frog gets attacked by the lizard and the lizard gets attacked by the bird so that is my food chain. – Stacy
My food chain has 3 fish and a plant. – Eric D.
The clown fish can hide in an anenime. – Ethan
The habitat video was awesome I loved all the fantastic art. -katie and ally