Friday, 24 February 2012


Room 5 Voyageurs!

Room 5!

Sugar Shack Sash Making!

Tug of War!

Horse Power!

Festival Checkers!

Room 5 Voyageurs!

Toboggan Run!

Cup and Ball Game!

Maple Syrup Taffy on a stick! Yummy!
My favourite thing was when I went tobogganing.  I went with Kaelan, me, and Stacy, and Dante but he fell off the toboggan. – Eric.c
I liked when we put maple syrup on a stick. It was so sticky when we ate it. Sofia
I liked when we made the maple syrup on the stick and then we made it into a sucker. Kaelan
When we were at the Festival de Voyageur it was lots of fun because we tried taffy on a stick. Dante
I loved when we played checkers in the sugar shack. Maddox
I liked when we made the taffy.  There was a special table made for snow and then they took the taffy and poured it in a straight line and waited a minute. Then we put a popsicle stick horizontal in the taffy and rolled it onto the stick. Then you have a taffy Popsicle. Ronelle
I liked when we went to the horses. There was a big cart and everybody went on it and the horses pulled it. There were 3 carts and 6 horses. Our horses’ names were King and Bonnie. Ally
I really liked it at the Festival de Voyageur because I had a lot of fun going down tobogganing tower and sliding across the snow on the toboggan. I liked ice maze and the horse ride. In the ice maze I went with Ally, Ronelle and Katie. There were a lot of dead ends and right beside the entrance there was the finish spot. We were pulled in a cart by horses. The two horses’ names were Bonnie and King .Bonnie was on the right and King was on the left. Cecilia
My favourite part was when we went on the horse ride. The two horses’ names were Bonnie and King. It was really fun when they went fast but it was more safe when they went slow. Also I loved when we went tobogganing on a toboggan. I went on the toboggan with Sofia and Heidi. It was so fun because there was a humungous bump and I almost fell off. But it was still fun. Jessica
I liked the part when we got to go down the slide things!  It was so much fun and I loved the sled. – Katie
My favourite part was seeing all the cool sculptures and I was wondering how they were made.  One of the sculptures arm fell off. – Derek
The beaver tail are the most delicious tasting things in the world. – Ethan
My favourite part was the sledding becasuse it was really fun and I liked it. – Frances
The sled was really fun. – Khang
My favourite part was when I went sledding and we went fast on the horse ride and I had fun! – Stacy
I liked making the game but not playing it because I couldn’t do it. – Mitchell
I liked how I learned about the horsese. – Sam
I liked sledding.  I think it is fun! It was fast!– Eric D.
I liked the toboggan run because I went really fast. – Aden

Voyageur Scene! The Start!

SS Research

The grade 3’s are doing Egypt and the grade 4’s are doing The North. –Heidi
We had to look in books to find our information. –Heidi
We are almost done yeah! A lot of people need to do more things. I need to answer one more question to be done. –Sofia
Some people are learning about mummies. –Heidi
The North’s play practically all the games as us like snowmobiling, golf, dog sledding and more, but I forget there is a game called high kick. You can play on one foot or two, it sounds interesting, you have to have good balance. –Katie
The North’s cool. –Ethan
My final project is a brochure, it’s going to be so fun and so awesome! –Sam
Did you know the highest mountain in Nunavut is 2,216 meters high. –Katie
I am in grade four so I am doing The North, so far I have written about 25 jot notes all together, but that’s only half way! I can’t wait until we all share our projects! –Sam
Grade 3’s do Egypt, grade 4’s do North and other ones. –Stacy
Grade 4’s are doing The North which is NWT, Nunavut or Yukon, grade 3’s are doing Egypt. –Katie
We do jot notes for S.S update of The North and Egyptians. –Stacy
I am doing Egypt and I am learning about mummies, that was my first question I wanted to answer, I forgot the second one the third one was what games they played.  I also have a fourth and fifth question. –Eric C.
We have almost finished researching in books and we’ll be starting to research on the computer. –Lauren
I am learning about Egypt. So far I am learning about pyramids in Egypt. –Kaelan
Soon, we’ll not soon, but coming up soon is presenting our research and there’s lots of ways we can present or show it like making a slide show. –Lauren
The grade 4’s are doing North! And the 3ers are doing Egypt. We use open questions and not closed questions! –Khang
When you learn about the North you research all of your questions that you have made and then when you are done you make it into something like a brochure. –Ally
I wanna tell you something I learned, that in Egypt where the house’s were there was only one street. –Jessi
We write everything down that we see and put it into jot notes and we write the book that we used  into our bibliography.  –Ronelle
We are learning about Canada’s North. –Ethan
Grade 4’s we are learning about The North which has NWT, Yukon and Nunavut. –Mitchell
We make all these jot notes from encyclopaedias and book’s. Next we are looking at movies and the internet! –Ronelle
We are researching about Nunavut, Yukon, and Northwest Territories! The grade 3’s have been learning about Ancient Egypt! –Ronelle
The project is almost finished about The North and Egypt, and when we are done,  the final project we can choose to make a book, poster board and brochures. –Frances
We are working with books right now but next week we will go on the computers. –Frances
We researched in books about Egypt or Canada’s North, we all had so much fun. I am doing Canada’s North on Nunavut. One of my questions was, how did the North change? –Cecilia
When you are in grade 4 you learn about The North when you are in grade 3 you are doing the Egyptians. So you make all these questions and then you have to answer them! – Ally
I can’t wait till we get to do the awesome mask craft! –Sofia
At the end of Social Studies we make masks. –Heidi

Science Habitats

Mrs. Kosolowski made us look in books to find out what we were going to learn about next and it going to be about habitats. –Heidi
I hope we do some games with habitat’s. –Heidi
I hope we learn about frogs. –Heidi
We used our problem solving partner’s and walked around the school. –Cecilia
This is a very great topic to learn about in science! It will be a BLAST! –Lauren
This is our new science unit and I can’t wait to start!! Mrs. Kosolowski did not tell us what it was we had to figure it out! So she made this scavenger hunt that goes all around the school. It was so FUN! –Lauren
We had to go on a science hunt to find out what we were doing for science. –Kaelan
I love science. –Ethan
Frogs live in ponds. –Ethan
I was the first one to figure out what we were doing next in science. It was so awesome! What we had to do for science was go around the school finding clues to what we were doing next so ya! –Sam
We did not learn a lot yet. But we did go on a hunt to figure out what we were going to learn next and it was habitats! The hunt was awesome, we are going to do more stuff about habitats but not right now. –Sofia
We got to learn about our next science topic! We had to go to all these classes and figure it out and there were all these little pictures and when we were done we put all of them together and it was habitats. –Ronelle
I am going to tell you the pictures we had to find on the scavenger hunt around the school. There was grassland, an ocean, lakes and that’s all I remember. –Eric C.
For science habitats we searched for clues and they had to do with math questions, at each classroom  there was a blue paper and a white paper. The white papers were pictures of the deserts, grasslands, lakes & ponds, ocean, forest, rainforest, arctic and mountains. –Stacy
Habitats: Grasslands, Ice, Forest, Rainforest, Mountains, Desert, Ocean and Ponds. –Mitchell
Crab Spider: the girl crab spider stays on one flower then she turns that colour (yellow), then pounces at its pray! (Adaptations) –Ally
There is this lizard and he is poisenest, I don’t know the name of it but if he jumps on you or something then you are probably poisoned! – Ally
This is how we first learned about science habitats, we had to do some sort of scavenger hunt with our problem solving partner around all the school, then we got all the pictures and glued the pictures and finally we found out that in science we will learn about habitats. –Jessica
We use our math partner, but mine is Sam! –Khang
We had to go around the school and find clues for what it is with our problem solving partners! –Frances
The giant crab is 4m high, 1.2m long and can weigh more than three people. –Katie
Pyloplys is a type of fish that has antennas. He hides in the day time and puts them out in the night to catch any passing food. –Katie
You don’t just have to do water there’s a whole bunch like, grasslands, sea waters, forests, rainforests, arctic, desert and that’s pretty much it. –Katie

Thursday, 23 February 2012


I liked how the rope dancer had good balance. - Ally
I liked the rope dancing because I liked the music that went along with it and I thought it was cool. - Ronelle
I liked the Pirates of The Caribbean because it was the exact same tone as in the movie. - Jessica
I liked the Irish dancing because it had lots of movement and the music matched it. - Heidi
I liked where the people were acting like clocks and a person came and hit them with a sock wrench. - Rhian
I liked the part where they acted as different types of times and clocks. - Kaelan
I liked when they did the ballet dancing because the music was pretty and they had really good dances. - Cecilia
I really liked the Sabre dance and I thought the music was really cool. - Mitchell
I liked how they coreographed the dances. - Sam
I enjoyed how the music made me want to get up and dance. - Mrs. Kosolowski
I liked how the Irish dancing was so fast. - Stacy
My favourite part was the rope dancing because I thought it was really cool. - Frances
I liked sitting there and watching. - Eric C.
At the start I was wondering why there was a white little table cloth hanging there, then I noticed that when they pulled it down it was for a girl to dance with. - Katie
I liked the Ukrainian dance because it was cool. - Eric D.
I liked at the end when everyone was on stage and one of the girls was playing with a ribbon thing on a stick and she lost the end of it and she still just pretended it was there and kept going. - Derek
I liked the rope dancing because she did cool moves in the air like somersaults. - Sofia
I liked the rope dancing because of all the pretty movements and it always looked like she was about to fall. -Lauren
I liked the Irish dancing because they moved their feet so fast. - Aden
I liked the Irish dancing because it was fast. - Khang
I liked the Irish dance because they never stopped moving. - Mitchell
I liked the Irish dancing because it was like super speed. - Ethan
I liked the Ukrainian dancing because their shirts were gold and shiny. - Derek
I loved the Ukrainian dancing because with all their shiny gold suits and they did a lot of awesome steps that I already knew. - Maddox
I just liked watching the show. -Dante
I liked the violin instrument because you could see their fingers move so fast. - Ally

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Chair Challenge - The Start

Creature Sharing

We did it in the meeting area and the presenter sat down in front of all of us and read their writing well we were drawing and when they were done they showed us their creatures. –Frances
My creature is coloured and I have a border and I can’t wait for the presentation. -Khang
What creature presentation is, is when one person is telling you what to draw and the others are drawing, at the end of it you show the picture that you drew, but the class can only us pencils and the person who drew can us pencil crayons, when your done you will give a kind compliment. –Rhian
I can’t wait until I get to share my creature; my creatures name is Clio it stands for: Creative! Lucky! Interesting! Outgoing! He is adorable, I can’t wait! –Sam
Everyone’s creature is awesome because after presenting they show their creature. The way our presentations work is Mrs. Kosolowski picks someone to go present and that person sits on Mrs. Kosolowski’s chair by the meeting area and starts reading. My creatures name is BOB, it is stands for Big, Old, Blob. –Lauren
We did our creature presentations, ya! –Ronelle
We have to write a kind compliment at the end. We had to be silent. –Heidi
My creatures name is Baby, Boo-Boo. When we presented we all had to be quiet. –Frances
The only thing you could say was can you say that again. –Heidi
We would read are descriptive sentences out loud to the class and after that we showed our drawings. –Heidi
You have to tell people what to draw to make your creature. –Mitchell
We had to try to draw the creature the way the person made it and everything was a surprise. –Heidi
Lots of people have done it and it looks really fun and so far everyone’s creatures are so unique! –Sam
For creature presentations we do mystery creatures and we give it names.  We drew creatures and we wrote sentences for our creatures. We do a group presentation then a whole class presentation. –Stacy
It was awesome, only a few of the people where done doing their presentations. –Sofia
My mystery creatures name is Nedward. – Ethan
For our mystery creature presentation we went and sat on Mrs.K’s chair then we said our lines and then when you were saying it they tried to draw it and when you are done and everyone else is done you reveal the creature .  Some were very surprising. – Ally
I thought I would be nervous but I wasn’t when I sat up on the chair but most people didn’t understand mine. – Derek
I didn’t present yet but I did do a lot.  My favourite presentation was Ronellle, her name was Buffy. – Jess
I did my creature presentation, I think I was the fourth or fifth to present. –Eric C.
When some of the kids in my class presented I had to try and draw it when they explained it. – Kaelan
For mystery creature you read your page in front of the whole class and they have a little box to draw in and if you need them to repeat you just put up your hand!  When they are all finished they show you their creature and you can see if your really close or not, then you give them a kind compliment on the lines below.  They are really awesome! – Katie
For the mystery creature presentation I was first and what you had to do was when it was the first time we were in small groups and you presented your sentences and once everyone was finished drawing what they heard from the sentences you would show your mystery creature. When we were in big groups which was the whole class we had to do the same thing except with the whole class and it was super exciting to be the first one to present my mystery creature! My mystery creature’s name was CHAAD with two A’s, he is so, so, so cute. – Cecilia

Testing Chairs

Our chair worked both ways, feet up and down with your feet.  It was so fun because we get to experience new things! – Jessica
My chair didn’t work when I put my feet up but when they were down it worked.  It was more stable when my feet were down. – Kaelan
My partner was Maddox and when we presented our chair it kind of worked, but when we had to sit on it in different positions, down it went. – Lauren
Our chair worked because it had triangles and could hold us up with feet and without feet. It had to hold Jessica, but it held both of us. – Derek
For chair testing we had to make a chair out of newspaper and masking tape and it needed legs.  For our chair Sofia and me were partners. – Stacy
It was fun testing it.  I brought the chair home!  My partner was Sam. – Khang
My partner was Katie.  Katie’s and my chair worked. – Ethan
For our chair testing it was suppose to hold my cause I was lighter, that’s pretty much what everybody did but anyway it was able to hold Ethan to, then you and your partner had to decide who got to take the chair home.  If nobody wants it you had to recycle it. – Katie
When we were done making the chairs we got to test them. – Ronelle
When we were chair testing my partner was Kaelan.  We had to see how long we could sit on it for.  My chair only held till number 1 and then KABOOM, CRASH, BANG, we couldn’t do it. – Ally
When you got your chair you test it, the chair is made out of newspaper, you or your partner got to keep the chair, if your partner tells you, you can keep it or you can put it in the recycling. – Rhina
I got to sit on the chair! It passed with feet down and it passed without feet and it could go for a really long time! – Ronelle
My partner was Dante. I sat on the chair but it did not work, it  only worked when my feet were on the floor. – Sofia
My partner was Eric D. When we went to test the chair before the actual test Eric D. tried it and broke it. Well Eric D. wanted to try it. – Eric C.
For chair testing my partner was Mitchell.  We used problem solving partners.  I think me and Mitchell got 3 out of 3.  Mitchell got to take the chair home but I didn’t really care about taking the chair home besides it would probably break at  my house. – Cecilia

Chair Design

My partner was Derek. Our design has arm rests and our chair totally passed! – Jess
My partner was Aden for the chair testing.  We had to sit on our chair in front or the whole class and Mrs. Kosolowski would mark us. – Frances
We used lots of triangles to make them.  We also used newspaper and tape. – Mitchell
My partner was Ally. – Kaelan
I made my chair like a camping chair. – Kaelan
Mrs. Kosolowski said that we had to put triangles in our chair. – Kaelan
I made the legs and Katie made the seat and arms and back. – Ethan
The chairs had to have triangles, it was part of the criteria we came up with. – Ethan
We used a lot of tape and newspaper. – Ethan
My partner was Khang, he is very good at co-operating.  We made a comic chair. It doesn’t have a back rest so more like a comic stool!  It has to be made out of newspaper and masking tape so we covered it in comics so it looked better! – Sam
We had to draw out the design on a paper first and then we had to write who would sit on it. – Heidi
We were in our problem solving partners. – Heidi
Most partners were boys and girls mixed together. – Heidi

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Social Studies - The North & Egypt


The grade 4's are writing about The North. - Cecilia
The grade 3's are learning about Egypt. - Dante, Khang
We just started learning about Egypt. - Jessica
Mrs. K told us that we can do a book and other things to present with. - Heidi
We started learning about Egypt and The North.  The grade 3's are doing Egypt and the grade 4's are doing The North. - Kaelan & Rhian
The North is the 3 territories.  They play aboriginal games like knuckle jumping. - Ethan
We are working with Mrs. Klausan in the library. - Cecilia
The grade 3's are doing Ancient Egypt and they can choose any questions they want to research.  The grade 4's are learning about the Inuit people of The North, and like the grade 3's we can choose any questions we want. - Ronelle
We can do either the Yukon, Northwest Territories, or Nunavut (grade 4's). - Mitchell
I hope Egypt is not hard, I really want to start doing it. - Sofia
We get to try Glogster, a brochure, book, Prezi and 2 more but Mrs. K didn't tell us. - Katie
The North and Egypt is what our class will work on for IBL!  I'm excited to learn about The North because I haven't heard of it before. - Lauren
These projects will be ready to share with families at parent teacher! - Mrs. Kosolowski