Friday 24 February 2012


Room 5 Voyageurs!

Room 5!

Sugar Shack Sash Making!

Tug of War!

Horse Power!

Festival Checkers!

Room 5 Voyageurs!

Toboggan Run!

Cup and Ball Game!

Maple Syrup Taffy on a stick! Yummy!
My favourite thing was when I went tobogganing.  I went with Kaelan, me, and Stacy, and Dante but he fell off the toboggan. – Eric.c
I liked when we put maple syrup on a stick. It was so sticky when we ate it. Sofia
I liked when we made the maple syrup on the stick and then we made it into a sucker. Kaelan
When we were at the Festival de Voyageur it was lots of fun because we tried taffy on a stick. Dante
I loved when we played checkers in the sugar shack. Maddox
I liked when we made the taffy.  There was a special table made for snow and then they took the taffy and poured it in a straight line and waited a minute. Then we put a popsicle stick horizontal in the taffy and rolled it onto the stick. Then you have a taffy Popsicle. Ronelle
I liked when we went to the horses. There was a big cart and everybody went on it and the horses pulled it. There were 3 carts and 6 horses. Our horses’ names were King and Bonnie. Ally
I really liked it at the Festival de Voyageur because I had a lot of fun going down tobogganing tower and sliding across the snow on the toboggan. I liked ice maze and the horse ride. In the ice maze I went with Ally, Ronelle and Katie. There were a lot of dead ends and right beside the entrance there was the finish spot. We were pulled in a cart by horses. The two horses’ names were Bonnie and King .Bonnie was on the right and King was on the left. Cecilia
My favourite part was when we went on the horse ride. The two horses’ names were Bonnie and King. It was really fun when they went fast but it was more safe when they went slow. Also I loved when we went tobogganing on a toboggan. I went on the toboggan with Sofia and Heidi. It was so fun because there was a humungous bump and I almost fell off. But it was still fun. Jessica
I liked the part when we got to go down the slide things!  It was so much fun and I loved the sled. – Katie
My favourite part was seeing all the cool sculptures and I was wondering how they were made.  One of the sculptures arm fell off. – Derek
The beaver tail are the most delicious tasting things in the world. – Ethan
My favourite part was the sledding becasuse it was really fun and I liked it. – Frances
The sled was really fun. – Khang
My favourite part was when I went sledding and we went fast on the horse ride and I had fun! – Stacy
I liked making the game but not playing it because I couldn’t do it. – Mitchell
I liked how I learned about the horsese. – Sam
I liked sledding.  I think it is fun! It was fast!– Eric D.
I liked the toboggan run because I went really fast. – Aden


  1. I liked the taffy it was from maple syrup we had to roll it the taffy was sticky and it was very yummy.-EricC.

  2. That was such a fun feild trip I was especally exited for the horse ride. My favourite part was the ball game! All though I only got the ball in once. The taffy was kinda gross though.- Ally

  3. I really enjoyed coming on the feild trip with you, my favourite part was the horse ride! It was a fun feild trip!- Mrs. Sabatini

  4. AWESOME!!!! You wanna know why it was awesome it was awesome because the toboggan riding was so fun! I wanted to go on again. I think that everybody had so much of fun at Festival Du Voyageur!-Jessica

  5. The Festival Field trip was so much fun ! I really liked it-frances

  6. Looks like everyone had a fun time at Festival Du Voyageur - what a great field trip! Frances's Mom

  7. Looks like you all had a lot fun on the field trip! The tobogganing hill was fun and scary!-Jessica's Mom

  8. Dear Jessica I'm so happy you had fun at Festival Du Voyageur. I'm sure the weather was great! Did you have a chance to have maple syrup on a stick,knowing you I'm sure you did. I'm sure you had a fun time sledding:)!! P.S I'm very happy you came home safe and sound + 10 fingers 10 toes!!!!!-Jessica's Dad

  9. I love hearing about all the wonderful school outings that you are going on. So many interesting things and so many new learning opportunities!

    Sam's mom

  10. It sounds like everyone had a great time! Mrs. Kosolowski's class is very lucky to be able to participate in activities like this.

    Sam's Dad

  11. That field trip was so fun!! I feel like going there again especially for the syrup on a stick

  12. Looks like you had an awesome day at Festival with a ton of fun activities!! Thanks for sharing!!katie's Mom-Angie

  13. Looks like you had an awesome day at Festival with a ton of fun activities!! Thanks for sharing!!katie's Mom-Angie

  14. The best part of the trip that I really enjoyed was the sugar sack. I leaned a lot.


  15. it was great that the students could go out and experience the activities at the festival . outdoor activities were fun to participate in and enjoyed by all.-katie`s grandpa

  16. I just LOVE the sugar shack part the taffy was ssssoooo yummy!- Ronelle

  17. I was looking at all the amazing pictures of you kids at the Festival de Voyageur, It looks like it was a ton of fun!!! -Ronelle's Mom :)

  18. Mrs. Kosolowski Thank you for taking room 5 to the Festival! It was very nice for you to take on such a big responsibility, what what a great time! Thank you!! Ronelle's Mom - Lianne

  19. i had so muvh fun at the festival! I really liked trying the taffy on a stick. It was very sweet!
    Also, i am playing my cup and ball game a lot at home and i'm starting to get good at it!

  20. There was so much fun activities at the festival and i'm so happy everyone had fun and enjoyed it! I loved sledding on the ice and snow! i wanted to go again after the first time but it seemed to me that tons and tons of people were in line to go sledding!

  21. I had a great time with the class exploring and learning at the festivale. The wagon ride was lots of fun as I wasn't sure I was going to be able to stay on the back. The Clydesdale horses were beautiful. I can't believe they each eat more than 40bs of groceries a day! Mrs. Oddy

  22. Looks like you all had SO much fun! What great weather you had to be playing outside! A big thank you to the school and Mrs. Kosolowski for taking you to Festival.
    Alyson (Lauren's Mom)

  23. thank you mrs.Kosolowski for taking us to the festaval ETHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. voyageurs are cool ethan


  26. maple syrup YUM YUM


  27. l like when mrs kosolowski takes us on file trips ethan

  28. what is our next find trip?ethan

  29. the taffy on a stick was so delicious !!!!!

  30. making the syrup was really stickey-kaelan I like sleding but dante fell off it was very fun we had a yery fun day.-ericC. and kaelen

  31. This was my first time coming here when I just saw every thing
    it looked like fun then I did every thing and it was very fun well my sister Lisa never went there -Lisa Eric

  32. Sounds like a most amazing full day field trip!! I really enjoyed seeing all the photos when I volunteered in your class on Monday! I'm pretty sure you all made memories to treasure at Festival du Voyageur! :) Mrs. Barnes

  33. I can't wait till our next field trip !!! Frances

  34. I love learning and doing all of the different voyager activities !!!!Frances
