Friday, 24 February 2012

Science Habitats

Mrs. Kosolowski made us look in books to find out what we were going to learn about next and it going to be about habitats. –Heidi
I hope we do some games with habitat’s. –Heidi
I hope we learn about frogs. –Heidi
We used our problem solving partner’s and walked around the school. –Cecilia
This is a very great topic to learn about in science! It will be a BLAST! –Lauren
This is our new science unit and I can’t wait to start!! Mrs. Kosolowski did not tell us what it was we had to figure it out! So she made this scavenger hunt that goes all around the school. It was so FUN! –Lauren
We had to go on a science hunt to find out what we were doing for science. –Kaelan
I love science. –Ethan
Frogs live in ponds. –Ethan
I was the first one to figure out what we were doing next in science. It was so awesome! What we had to do for science was go around the school finding clues to what we were doing next so ya! –Sam
We did not learn a lot yet. But we did go on a hunt to figure out what we were going to learn next and it was habitats! The hunt was awesome, we are going to do more stuff about habitats but not right now. –Sofia
We got to learn about our next science topic! We had to go to all these classes and figure it out and there were all these little pictures and when we were done we put all of them together and it was habitats. –Ronelle
I am going to tell you the pictures we had to find on the scavenger hunt around the school. There was grassland, an ocean, lakes and that’s all I remember. –Eric C.
For science habitats we searched for clues and they had to do with math questions, at each classroom  there was a blue paper and a white paper. The white papers were pictures of the deserts, grasslands, lakes & ponds, ocean, forest, rainforest, arctic and mountains. –Stacy
Habitats: Grasslands, Ice, Forest, Rainforest, Mountains, Desert, Ocean and Ponds. –Mitchell
Crab Spider: the girl crab spider stays on one flower then she turns that colour (yellow), then pounces at its pray! (Adaptations) –Ally
There is this lizard and he is poisenest, I don’t know the name of it but if he jumps on you or something then you are probably poisoned! – Ally
This is how we first learned about science habitats, we had to do some sort of scavenger hunt with our problem solving partner around all the school, then we got all the pictures and glued the pictures and finally we found out that in science we will learn about habitats. –Jessica
We use our math partner, but mine is Sam! –Khang
We had to go around the school and find clues for what it is with our problem solving partners! –Frances
The giant crab is 4m high, 1.2m long and can weigh more than three people. –Katie
Pyloplys is a type of fish that has antennas. He hides in the day time and puts them out in the night to catch any passing food. –Katie
You don’t just have to do water there’s a whole bunch like, grasslands, sea waters, forests, rainforests, arctic, desert and that’s pretty much it. –Katie


  1. It was ssoo fun doing a scavinger hunt for our new since topic. can't wait to find some info about Habitats! -Ronelle

  2. I can't wait till we get to do our end project with the clay !
